
We were so impressed with the results of our first unsuccessful attempt at a little girl, we decided we would try again.  Though equally far off on the gender target as his older brother, Calvin is a true joy.  He is even bigger than his brother was.  At 9 months he was 30.5" (33" if you count the hair).  You can see what I mean by that here.

While we found it challenging to come up with names that worked both in Korean and English for Allen, Hyounsoo and I had to almost gave up finding a second boy's name that met our requirements.  After a long search we settled on Calvin Juhan.  This time we let the "works in both languages" criteria slip a little since "Calvin" does not transliterate into Korean very well.

Some time between his birth and now, Calvin managed to become very cute.  It must be at least partially learned because we have some early photos that are amazingly un-photogenic.  I did not post those to the gallery (I am saving those for the rehearsal dinner of his wedding). 

Calvin and Allen generally play with each other very well (right now, I think that speaks mostly for Allen's character given some of Calvin's antics. 

Images, files, and web design are copyrighted 2003 - 2011. Design by me.